【Bosistos】尤加利精油 50mL 有效日期 2025.10 Eucalyptus Oil 50mL

售價 $199.00 定價 $239.00


General Information

Bosisto's Oil of Eucalyptus is a premium quality, double-distilled Cineole-rich medicinal oil containing 80%-85% Cineole.

Bosisto's Oil of Eucalyptus contains natural Eucalyptus Globulus. Special Features: Helps relieve cold, especially for children. Helps alleviate nasal congestion and eases breathing difficulties. Helps relieve muscular aches, stiffness, and arthritic pains

For treatment of minor wounds (cuts, scratches, abrasions) as an antiseptic; and for treatment of minor burns as an antiseptic.,Helps relieve the symptoms of colds and flu, children?s colds.,For the temporary relief of arthritic or muscular pain, strains and sprains.,To help relieve the pain and itching
of insect bites.



Always read the label. Follow directions for use. If symptoms persist talk to your healthcare professional. This medicine may not be right for you. Read the warnings before purchase.
Eucalyptus Oil 1 mL/mL