【Oil Garden】花粉敏感複方精油 25mL 有效日期 2027.02 Hay Fever Ease Essential Oil Blend 25mL

售價 $399.00 定價 $639.00



檸檬 545μL

薄荷 350μL

柑橘 50μL
薰衣草 50μL



100% Pure Essential Oil Blend of Lemon, Peppermint, Grapefruit and Lavender to combat hay fever and allergy symptoms.

Each mL of PURE ESSENTIAL OIL contains essential oils from:
Citrus limon (Lemon) Fruit Peel 545μL, Mentha X piperita (Peppermint)
Leaves 350μL, Citrus X paradisi (Grapefruit) Fruit Peel 50μL,
Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender ) Herb Top Flowering 50μL.

How to Use (Adults and children 2 years and over, use as required or up to 6 times a day):
Vaporisation: Add up to 6 drops (0.3mL) to the water in your vaporiser.
Massage: Add 5 drops (0.2mL) to 10mL carrier oil and massage into chest and back. The mixture can be kept for 24 hours at room temperature.